
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm In Love With...

...a new photo effects app I got recently. It's called FX Foto Pro. So the following photos are ones I have edited using Foto Pro. And some of these might be good for desktops, so if you want to use them, please let me know first. Thanks. Enjoy! :)


Maria B said...

Oh!! So pretty.

ReillyClan11 said...

very nice. question? what is foto pro? is it a web site or a program you have to buy or a setting on your camera? I really like these picture they are great. :)

Stephanie said...

FX Foto Pro is program I bought off of the Apple App Store. If you don't have an Apple computer, it might still work on Windows... I'm not sure.


Mikailah Autumn said...

Beautiful pictures, Stephanie.. You have such a talent!

In Christ,